If you find yourself stuck in repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to soothe your negative thoughts and fears temporarily, you could have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At Healthy Minds NYC in the Midtown East neighborhood of Manhattan, our team of experienced and compassionate therapists offers personalized therapeutic approaches to treatment to help you recover from and manage OCD. Contact the New York City office today by requesting a consultation online.


What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Do you have intrusive fears and negative thoughts that drive you to repetitive, ritualistic behaviors? These are hallmark signs of OCD. Everyone follows certain routines — from what you do every morning when you wake up to how you prepare for bed. OCD, however, is distressing and disruptive to your quality of life. 

When left untreated, OCD can intensify. Your compulsions may still provide relief, but it might not last as long, or you might find that you need to complete your rituals repeatedly to alleviate your negative thoughts. Eventually, your condition takes up all of your time, and you neglect work, school, other responsibilities, and even personal care. 

What is the difference between an obsession and a compulsion?

Obsessions are the negative thoughts and fears that trigger your need to complete your compulsions — the ritualistic behaviors that provide temporary relief from your worries. 

Some common obsession themes include fear of:

  • Germs or contagions

  • Harming oneself or others

  • Acting out in an inappropriately sexual way

  • Blurting out something hurtful or “wrong”

  • Doing the wrong thing

  • Having an illness or disease

  • Making a mistake

  • Being misunderstood

Common types of compulsive behavior include:

  • Cleaning or hand washing

  • Arranging things in a specific manner

  • Desiring specific order

  • Checking and redoing repeatedly

  • Counting 

  • Analyzing, arguing, and debating with your thoughts

  • Seeking reassurance

  • Avoiding certain people, places, activities, or things

OCD can cause debilitating fears and keep you from living a full life. If you find that you’re spending too much time on your compulsive behaviors or are troubled by your thoughts and feelings, it’s time to get help.

How is OCD treated?

Our team of expert therapists at Healthy Minds NYC provides personalized treatments for OCD. Depending on your needs, they might combine different therapeutic approaches.

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment option that helps you recognize behaviors of OCD that you wish to change. Our providers can also give you the tools you need to manage obsessive and compulsive behaviors.

In some cases, medications are also necessary to support your psychotherapy sessions. Our team offers medication management services to ensure you’re using your medications correctly.

If you’re concerned about OCD or feel like your symptoms are interfering with your life, request an appointment online today.

“Telling someone with OCD to stop obsessing about something is like telling someone who’s having an asthma attack to just breathe normally.”

— Tamara Ireland Stone